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Gear Review #3 ~ Minipresso GR

I can't camp without coffee. And really, would you want to? NO. 'Pretty sure. I don't NEED it to be espresso... drip with a little Irish cream is my everyday camp jam. But when I do feel like a shot while the french press is steeping, this fits the bill, and does it well.

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The device is compact, and once you have read and followed the instructions the first time, it's intuitive for future pulls. You heat up the water on your campstove, and tamp your ground coffee into the capsule. It even includes a wee brush. Then you need some muscle to pump it into the cap, which is your espresso cup. The result, though, is a great camp shot, creamy bitter goodness. I like my coffee scalding, inferno hot, so I found the temperature for the final to be just a bit cool for MY taste; but am assured I am a freak in this regard. So.

Everything is cleverly contained in a very small capsule-sized device, and I would go so far as to backpack with it; or bicycle, kayak, etc. If you can heat water, you can have espresso out. And there's something about that that just feels a bit decadent, a bit la-dee-dah. Some caffeine fun. Not a necessity, to be sure. But a nicety? Also, to be sure. My 22-year-old son was VERY pleased to have found this Mother's Day Gift. Me, too.

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